

Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, ESMAD, Politécnico do Porto; Elisa Ferraz, Câmara Municipal de Vila do Conde; João Azevedo, Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, Politécnico do Porto; João Rocha, Politécnico do Porto; Maria João Cortesão, Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, Politécnico do Porto; Olívia Marques da Silva, Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, Politécnico do Porto; Steven Sarson, Porto Design Factory, Politécnico do Porto; Teresa Terroso, Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, Politécnico do Porto


exhibition, Industrial design, students project, graphic design, multimedia, art


This exhibition, called RAVE, is put forward by the academic community, sponsored by the City Hall of Vila do Conde and presented by School of Media Arts and Design (ESMAD). The School of Media Arts and Design, located in our municipal- ity, is a Higher Education Institution, which originated in ES- EIG. As an organic unit of the Polytechnic of Porto, ESMAD has available several Undergraduate Degree Programmes, Masters’ and Post-graduate Programmes in the areas of Design and Multimedia, which enrich our municipality’s educational offer. Thus, the City Hall of Vila do Conde is very pleased to have immediately accepted the proposal to sponsor this exhibition of students’ projects and assignments; students who are either concluding their Undergraduate or Master’s Degrees. We con- sider that sharing such activities and events is a mutual bene- fit, as they allow the community at large to see and understand what is generally an academic exclusive, while giving students coming from other regions the opportunity to embrace the local reality, which they sometimes know little about.

A imagem apresenta uma forma abstrata e orgânica, composta por cores vibrantes e variadas como azul, verde, amarelo, vermelho, rosa e laranja, que parecem ser pinceladas de tinta misturadas. Essa forma colorida ocupa a parte central da imagem, destacando-se contra um fundo branco. No canto inferior direito, em letras pretas pequenas e alinhadas à esquerda, está o texto "ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE MEDIA ARTES E DESIGN". O contraste entre a forma colorida e o fundo branco cria um efeito visual impactante e dinâmico.



July 19, 2018

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
