Framework for an inclusive-oriented pedagogical assessment


M. Silveira Maia; N. Sanches-Ferreira; S. Alves; T. Aguiar; E. Bjorck; S. Signhild; G. Maxwell; L. Neuenhausen; D. Schleihs; M. Proyer; S. Schuppener; E. Kleinlein; L. Augustine; Y. Parg; J. Thalhammer; M. Gitschthaler; L.-K. Moehlen; H. Hellmann; C. Neto; H. Durães; C. Jaeckl


Inclusive education, ICF-CY, Assessment, Supports implementation


This book resulted from the Work Package 1 (WP1) of the Inclusive Assessment Map project – so-called I AM project. I AM is an Erasmus+ funded project (Agreement No. 621435-EPP-1-2020-1-AT- EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN) that aims to develop – based on the Internacional Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY) – an innovative assessment tool that provides teachers with guidance on how to create school environments in order to be inclusive places. The partner countries are: Austria, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Belgium and Portugal. By identifying the common trends on inclusive education policies of the 4 involved countries and by revising evidence-based supports linked with students’ participation, this book presents a good practices analysis of inclusive-oriented assessment and supports implementation within educational contexts.





October 1, 2023