Mapping CoP for inclusion: a Knowledge Base


M. Silveira-Maia, Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação; C. Neto, Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação; M. Sanches-Ferreira, Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação; S. Alves, Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação; H. Durães; C. Breyer; E. Vandenbussche; H. Boonen; Z. Zacharová; Š. Ferková; P. Schukoff; S. Unterreiner; E. Teijsen


student’s agency, inclusive education, interprofessional collaboration, communities of practice


Inclusive education is a collaboration process in which we are continuously challenged to reflect and find solutions. All needs are individualized and dynamic – profoundly connected with the activities and environment that we experience in the classroom and in the school. Starting by the assumption of “not knowing” and that no educator is prepared in advance for inclusive education, in this report we contributed to map and reflect on the importance of developing collaborative and situated learning as a model for professional development for inclusion. This report was developed in the scope of I CO COPE Project- “Inclusion through interprofessional COllaboration in a Community Of Practice in Education (2022-1-BE02-KA220-SCH-000089287)” . The project involved institutions from four European countries – Belgium (Flemish community), Portugal, Austria and Slovakia. The main aim of this Erasmus+ project was to create knowledge on how to make the collaboration processes more transparent, effective and inclusive in terms of including everyone’s voice. As a first step to reach such a goal, a common knowledge was needed to be built around 4 main concepts: 1) Inclusive Education; 2) Interprofessional Collaboration; 3) Students’ Agency and 4) Communities of Practice (CoP).  For that a literature and practice review was conducted to  enable the identification of good practices as well as tools for evaluating and reflecting these four concepts.


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A imagem apresenta a capa de um documento relacionado ao projeto Erasmus+ intitulado "I CO-COPE: Inclusion through Interprofessional Collaboration in a Community of Practice in Education". O título do documento é "Mapping CoP for inclusion: a Knowledge Base". O período do projeto é de 01/08/2023 a 31/07/2026, e o número do projeto é 2022-1-BE02-KA220-SCH-000089287.  Na parte superior da imagem, há um logótipo estilizado com as letras "COPE" sobrepostas em diferentes cores. Abaixo do título e da descrição do projeto, há logótipos de várias instituições e parceiros envolvidos, incluindo a União Europeia, Universidade do Porto e outras entidades. O documento também indica que é cofinanciado pela União Europeia. A estética do documento inclui linhas verticais coloridas ao lado direito, combinando tons de azul, vermelho e laranja.





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